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Crafton Hills College is certified by the Student Exchange Visitor Program (SEVP) 招收非移民F-1学生. 如果你是国际学生持有 or seeking an F-1 Visa and are interested in applying to Crafton Hills College (CHC), we encourage you to apply by May 1st for the Fall semester, or by November 1st for the Spring Semester.


  • Must enroll in a minimum of twelve (12) units per semester (Spring and Fall semesters) to maintain full-time status for their F-1 visa but may choose to enroll in more than 十二(12)个单位,按当前非居民单位费率计算. 报名参加暑期课程 is optional.
  • 必须保持至少2.0 GPA at all times
  • Maintain a current passport valid for at least six months into the future at all times
  • Request authorization from DSO before dropping below full-time enrollment
  • 在10天内报告所有地址变更
  • Report a change in program of study to Designated School Official (DSO) and request a new I-20
  • Request transferring to another accredited school as soon as possible
  • 在你离开美国前申请旅行签名
  • Request an I-20 Extension at least two weeks before the program end date
  • Maintain valid medical insurance during your attendance at the college
  • 从以前的机构转移释放.
  • 适当的入境文件

Application Deadlines

Fall Semester
新生/初始学生(美国以外.S.):     May 1 
转学生(在美国.S. 在学院/大学,或ESL课程):     July 15 
Spring Semester
新生/初始学生(美国以外.S.):    November 1 
转学生(在美国.S. 在学院/大学,或ESL课程):    December 15 


Checkmark Icon 在你来美国之前:

In order to be considered for admission, all materials listed below must be submitted 在上述截止日期前: 

  • 大学入学申请表

    Please note that as an international student, receiving a student identification number 不能保证被九州体育平台入口录取. 

  • 国际学生申请 
    Applicants must complete both the Application for Admission, and the International Student Application.

  • 经济支持声明(USCIS I-134)
    All international students must provide proof of financial support for tuition, fees, books, supplies and living expenses for two academic years at the current estimated cost rate. The bank letter/statements (within the last 6 months) must be from a personal 检查/储蓄账户. 截图或交易记录将不被接受. 


  • Official transcripts from all high/secondary schools and colleges/universities attended. 申请人必须是高中/中学毕业生. 希望收到的学生 transfer credit towards their associate degree for coursework taken at an institution 美国以外地区(不含美国护照).S. 区域认证),必须遵循 procedures outlined under 外国成绩单评估, found in the Current Catalog.
  • Proof of English language proficiency: If English is not an official language and an official language of instruction in your country, you must show proof of English 通过提供下列项目之一的证明来熟练使用.
    • Official TOEFL (Crafton Hills College Institute Code is 4126) with a minimum of a 61 Internet Based 最近两(2)年内发布的IBT成绩;
    • Official IELTS with a minimum of a 5.5, or
    • U.S. F-1 Transfer Students (only) may provide regionally accredited college or university official transcript(s) showing proof of successful completion of a college level English writing with a grade of C or better.

  • 护照证明页复印件.

  • 一张护照大小的近照.

  • $25不可退还的九州体育平台入口申请费. 可以支付申请费 亲自到克拉夫顿山大学九州体育平台入口处 & 由亲戚或朋友代办; in the form of a check or money order made payable to Crafton Hills College.

  • 家长或监护人授权书(18岁以下学生) 
    Students under the age of 18 years must submit a Parent or Guardian Authorization.

Submit Packet to:

入学申请必须在线提交. 上述所有其他项目 必须以包的形式发送到:

Crafton Hills College
11711 Sand Canyon Road
Yucaipa, CA 92399 USA

不完整或迟交的申请将不予处理. 请注意所有文件 submitted to Crafton Hills College become the property of the college, and will not 将其归还给申请人.

Processing Time:

Application processing time is up to two weeks from the date that the college receives ALL documents. You will receive email updates regarding the status of your application. After a decision has been made, you will receive your I-20 and acceptance letter. 在您安排与美国移民局的签证预约之前.S. 大使馆,你必须付钱 I-901 fee www.ice.gov/sevis/i901,并打印确认收据号码. 对于当前的F-1转学生,请带上你的 acceptance letter and transfer form to your designed school officer/international 完成学业的学生顾问. 没有待定的恢复、终止或完成 records are accepted.

参加国际健康保险计划. 必须提供验证 在大学入学时.

Healthcare in the U.S. is very expensive.  要么做个手术,要么住院几天 in a hospital can cost you thousands, even tens of thousands, of US dollars. As a result, the college requires that all international students purchase student health insurance.  The college has a clinic that teaches students how to live a healthy life 并治疗轻微的疾病,如感冒或头痛.  然而,学生们是认真的 生病或受伤必须到校外看医生.

学生健康保险将支付大部分费用. 保险可以从 ISO国际学生保险 或者其他保险公司. 它必须在班级注册之前购买 period for the duration of a semester (fall semester: August through December; spring 学期和夏季学期:1月至7月). 即将入学的国际学生可以 purchase their health insurance after arriving in the United States.


Medical evacuation
Repatriation of remains
Effective Date
Termination Date
Insured Person(s)

For further information about health insurance, please contact a Designated School Official.


国际学生偶像 到达美国后:

You must be in the local area no later than August 1 for Fall Semester and January 4 for Spring Semester.

You are responsible for finding your own housing in nearby communities. The College 学校没有生活设施吗.

Obtain verification of a recent chest X-ray or skin test that indicates a negative tuberculosis test. 注意:在美国必须做x光或皮肤测试. The results must be on file with the College within the first month of attendance.

当你到达该地区与 Counseling Center at Crafton Hills College to schedule an appointment with the International Student Counselor. 

During the appointment with the counselor, you must present your Visa, I-94, I-20, verification of negative tuberculosis test and proof of international health insurance. 这些文件将被复制并归档. 你还需要制定一个学习计划 或学生教育计划(SEP). 您可能需要参加额外的 assessments to assist the counselor in placing you in the correct English and mathematics courses.

Review the Class Schedule online 为合适的学期选择课程. Register for Courses 在你合适的时候或之后 优先注册日期.

Student ID cards are required for all transactions throughout the campus (registration, drops, adds, assessment, advisement, transfer center, career center, etc.), as a library card, and for identification as a Crafton Hills College student.

学生证可透过 Office of Student Life. 更多信息,请访问 How to Get a Student ID page.

Parking Permits are required on all streets and lots at Crafton Hills College. Vehicles 没有停车许可证的被罚款. 违章停放车辆(红区、残疾人) 停车(员工停车)要随时收票. 每天发放停车许可证 每个地段都有自动售货机. 停车许可证可通过网上自助服务购买 from the Students menu. 更多信息,请致电909-389-3276.

参加第一次班会. 没有参加第一次班会的学生 may be dropped by the instructor, and the seat given to another student on the waitlist.
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